Monday, December 31, 2012

The end of 2012...

Well it's getting close to the end!

Before I go get ready for NYE tonight, I decided to make a short post..

This year I have been blessed to meet amazing people and have some pretty awesome experiences.  This has definitely been a fun year for me.
Like every NYE I make resolutions that I never keep, but this year I am determined to follow through with them.

So my New Years Resolutions this year are (in no specific order):

  • Eat clean, and go to the gym regularly
  • Be more patient and understanding in hectic situations
  • Make the most of every single day 
  • Read my Bible more often
  • Do random acts of kindness as much as humanly possible
  • Make amazing grades in my college classes
  • Spread love, never hate
  • Reach every goal I set for myself

Well that's all I can come up with for now. I guess it's a pretty decent list!
This year is going to be a great one, I just know it!

Happy New Years to everyone! Be safe, and drink responsibly!

Here's a picture collage of some of my 2012 moments..

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