Tuesday, January 1, 2013

This one's for the ladies..or men

It's time for "The Talk"

No, not the type of "talk" you are probably thinking about, but it is a topic that is very important and could potentially save your life.

For todays post I am going to be discussing personal defense weapons that women (and also men) should consider carrying.

I know that a lot of ladies feel scared to carry weapons.
Either because they are afraid to use them, or are unaware of the laws and are afraid they are breaking them by carrying a weapon.

I want to help you ladies (and men) understand the differences in certain weapons, and help you choose what is right for you!

So let me start by saying there are many different choices of weapons you can have.

Below is a list of some basic weapons.

  • Pepper Spray - A chemical compound that irritates the eyes to cause tears, pain, and even temporary blindness. 

 This would be a better choice for some one who is too young for a gun, yet mature enough to operate the spray.Pepper spray can cost you from $4-$50 depending on the type you choose.
They have many different types of formulas.

  • Stun Gun - Electroshock weapon which uses electrical current to disrupt voluntary control of muscles

In many states you have to be 18 to purchase a Stun Gun. 
Before you purchase one, you should look up the laws of carrying one in your state.
A Stun Gun is one weapon that I carry in my pocket book.
I have one Identical to the one in the photo.
You can purchase Stun Gun pretty cheap. I purchased mine for $20.00
The only down side to a Stun Gun is that you have to get so close to your predator and actually touch him with it. 
Depending on the situation, this could come in handy.
It's better to be safe than sorry!

  • Taser - A weapon firing barbs attached by wires to batteries, causing temporary paralysis.

A taser is different from a stun gun because it actually shoots out and sticks your predator with prongs while sending a electric shock through their body paralyzing them. This weapon would be good for someone who isn't comfortable shooting a gun. (Even though I recommend everyone get comfortable shooting a gun.)
Personally I've never used a taser, but I have heard they are more effective and stronger than the stun guns.


There are many factors one must know before choosing the right hand gun for them.

One thing you must decided before you purchase any gun, is the caliber.
It would be a good idea to go to a shooting range and rent some guns in different calibers to test shoot to see which ones you would like. 
For example, if you are a 100 lb girl, then a 38 special or a 45 may not be for you. Possibly a .380 or 9mm may suit you better.

Another key factor is the size of the gun.
Some people prefer a smaller gun, some people prefer a bigger gun.
My gun is big enough to fit in my pocket. I like the small compact size because I can easily conceal it in my waist band, or in my pocket book.

You need to make sure you know the gun laws in your area before you purchase a gun.
You also need to get your Concealed Weapons Permit (CWP.) 
To get that, you take a class where they teach you gun rules and regulations and you also have to shoot a good score to pass the class.

Once you obtain your CWP, you can carry your gun almost any where.

Another decision, a revolver ? OR a semi-auto pistol ?

  • Semi-Auto Pistol - a gun which fires the round in the chamber, extract it, eject it, and load a new round into the chamber (if one is available in the magazine), each time the trigger is pulled. 

Pros - Safeties, multiple magazines, more range of calibers, more accessories.

Cons - More moving parts, more maintenance, may jam

I carry a semi auto pistol. One of the main things that worry me about it is that if I need to use it immediately  and it jams, will I think to drop the magazine, clear the chamber, then put the magazine back in and re-chamber a round and fire? Probably not. 
I do love my pistol though, it has never failed me yet.

Another key point to owning a semi auto pistol is the maintenance factor.
Some guns are more intricate than others to break down and clean.
It is a lot harder to clean a semi auto pistol than it is to clean a revolver because it is made up of more moving parts.

I do not recommend a semi auto pistol for someone who isn't familiar with guns.

  • Revolver A pistol with revolving chambers enabling several shots to be fired without reloading.

Pros - very reliable, sometimes cheaper
Cons - You can only get at most 6 shots (but you can purchase speed loaders for some guns), less calibers available, doesn't normally come with accessories.

I have a .22 revolver that I use for target shooting.
I love that my revolver never fails and it is super EASY to clean.
I sell many revolvers to women, because they love the easy maintenance and reliability that it provides.

Many fear a revolver because they do not have safeties.
The trigger pull of a revolver is generally very tough unless the hammer is pulled back, and you can purchase guns with a internal hammer so it doesn't get caught on stuff when you pull it out of your pocket, holster, etc.

I do recommend a revolver for someone who doesn't have much experience with guns.


When you've picked out your gun, and get your CWP, it is time to pick out the perfect holster for you!

Below I will name just some holsters that may suit your needs. 
I won't go into deep detail, but depending on what you wear, you can choose what would work best for you.

  • Ankle Holster - Attached to your ankle and is covered by your pants.

  • Waist band Holster - Either clips to the side of your pants, attaches to your belt, or to a band that goes around your waist.

  • Flash Bang - (for the ladies) Attaches to the front of your bra.

 There are  a lot more holsters out there, just make sure you do your research on them!

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